How Can I Make a Healthy Lunch the Kids Will Eat?

While we often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, lunch is also very important, especially for kids who are learning, playing and growing.

Healthy Food

Q: “What are some fun ideas and tips to make a healthy lunch the kids will actually eat??”

A: While it’s true that a healthy breakfast can get a kid’s day started on the right foot, a healthy lunch is also vital for kids who are learning and playing throughout the day.  The trick is creating a healthy lunch that your kids will still eat!

Whether you’re packing lunch for your kids to take with them or preparing something for them to enjoy at home, you’ll need to embrace your inner chef and culinary creativity with a touch of craftiness to make it fun.  Here are some easy tips to make a healthy lunch for kids:

  • Use cookie cutters on their sandwiches to make fun shapes.
  • Put superhero or princess stickers on a package of baby carrots or nuts.
  • Pack everything up in their favorite lunch box.
  • Have kids help you pick out foods from each group that they would like to have for lunch.
  • Make a mix-and-match lunch of healthy snacks (think bento box lunch), including choices like fruit to dip in nut butter, ants (i.e., raisins) on a log, baked kale or whole grain chips, stackable crackers with cheese and turkey, string cheese and yogurt.