3 Easy Ways to Add a Little Vegetarian to your Diet This Month

Research shows that taking a few cues from a vegetarian diet can help boost your health—and what better time to get started than during Vegetarian Awareness Month. 

Healthy Food

Welcome to October and Vegetarian Awareness Month. If you are more carnivore than vegetarian, you may wonder why on earth you would celebrate. Trust us. Even if you don’t follow anything even close to a vegetarian diet, research shows that taking even a few cues from this veggie-lovin’ diet can help boost your health—and what better time to get started than during Vegetarian Awareness Month. 
 Here are three ways you can do something good for your health during Vegetarian Awareness Month: 1. Learn more – There are a lot of misconceptions about a vegetarian diet. This month is a great time to learn more about the basics of vegetarianism. There are a wide variety of resources available online, like the Vegetarian Resource Group and the National Institutes of Health. Don’t forget to check out groups in your area that may be able to answer more of your questions or schedule an appointment with a registered dietitian for personalized recommendations. Did you know that vegetarian diets generally have higher levels of fiber, magnesium, potassium, and more? 2. Start small – We’re not saying to do anything drastic…carnivore to vegan in a day may not be the best idea. The good news is that even going meatless just one day a week or opting for several vegetarian meals over the course of the week can help you to improve your health. Meatless Monday is a campaign devoted to this one-day-a-week idea, and their website is a good resource for tips and recipes geared towards the occasional vegetarian. 3. Try a new recipe or restaurant dish – If you assume a vegetarian meal is as appetizing as a piece of cardboard, think again. Restaurant and home chefs alike are whipping up some amazing vegetarian creations that will have you wondering why you didn’t try them sooner. Order a meatless creation at a local restaurant or make a healthy vegetarian recipe in your own kitchen this month to add more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes to your diet in delicious ways.